Life & Breath Coach




Where in your life are you not accepting things, people, situations exactly as they are?


5 Steps to Create Permanent Change


1.  Awareness

Discovering hidden unconscious destructive limiting beliefs that silently dictate your choices and convince you that you are unworthy of love, success and happiness, eg.

I'm not deserving  -  Nothing I do is enough

I'm destined to fail, so why try

I don't fit in   -   I need to control to feel safe

I am incapable of taking care of myself 

2.  Releasing

Through somatic mind/body techniques that produce rapid transformation, you will turn your past into wisdom and be ready to create your future self. 

Some modalities used are breath work, hypnosis, mental emotional release break through session, trauma release therapy, visualizations, meditations and more.


3.  Reprogramming 


Time to unlearn long-term patterns of fear, people pleasing, perfectionism, unworthiness and install new patterns that align with your true self.  


4.  Setting Goals


By this point, your interpretation of life will be different.  It's time to get super clear on who you want to BE, and set do-able action steps to have what you want in life.  



5.  Moving Forward

Feeling empowered and taking 100% responsibility for you life, will get you feeling excited about taking massive action steps toward creating your new life.  You will learn tools to bring yourself back on track if old patterns want to keep you distracted.    



Let's collaborate on how I can support you in creating the person and life you want!




"My experience with Linda, as a breath work coach, was truly transformational. I initially tried learning on YouTube, but it was only a modicum of the hands-on experience I got with Linda. Also, since you are accessing a subconscious part of yourself and lots of suppressed emotions come up, for safety, I’m glad I had a trustworthy coach next to me. I was living in the Bay Area at the time yet commuted to San Diego to do breath work and coaching with Linda. That goes to show the power of it." - Apreeka


I started my journey with Linda a few months ago and can honestly say she has changed my life. Linda is a true healer. Her energy is peaceful and serene, and being around her makes you want to open up and better yourself. She listens carefully and never judges. She asks poignant questions and helps you go deeper, get to the root of the concern. I progressed more in a handful of sessions with Linda than I did in multiple years of psychoanalytical therapy. Our sessions consisted of a variety of breath work techniques, sound healing and NLP, artfully arranged in a smooth sequence. During our sessions I could see and feel myself stepping into my power and growing - which is what we were working on. I cannot recommend these sessions with Linda more! She is truly amazing and I feel so lucky to have found her!  Annabel Gruschka

At 58 years old, I reached a transitional point in my life where I felt completely lost and disconnected from myself. I knew something had to change to stop my ruminating mind from running amok.  I was filled with confusion, sadness, and self-doubt after ending a 12-year relationship that was going nowhere,  for subsequently allowing my first narcissist into my life, extreme grief at the loss of my father, anger after confronting someone who stole my innocence at six years old and apprehension at the thought of caretaking for my 94-year-old mother with dementia. After two years of therapy that I didn’t find particularly helpful, I found myself at Linda’s door and this is when my true healing journey began in fully embracing all that I am and whatever life has in store for me, and becoming the best version of myself possible.

Linda’s program helps bring to light the root of the thoughts we create in our minds in the present, which are often based on our past life experiences and traumas. She helped me understand the stories we create to cope, protect, and soothe ourselves, why I got triggered or could be so reactionary, and helped guide me to a place where instead of beating up on myself or having a victim mentality, I can feel curiosity, compassion, and self-empowerment instead. She showed me the path. Now it is up to me to continue the journey with my newfound tools to help me live, enjoy, process, and resolve whatever the universe has in store for me. Linda’s work with me was life-changing and helped me transition from just surviving to thriving. I will forever be grateful to her for her vast knowledge and compassion in helping me overcome a very difficult point in my life.

Marina C



Hi, I'm Linda!

For the last 35 years, I've drawn on my passion and expertise in holistic life & breath coaching to help people feel their best physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I believe that what stops us from being our authentic selves and living the life we truly want is our negative childhood experiences that create unconscious limiting beliefs.  These hidden beliefs limit our true potential.

But you have the power within you to heal. And I'm here to help you find and use it.

I can’t wait to meet and take this journey with you.