Articles by

Breath Body Connection

Alternative ways toĀ CLOSE THE GAPĀ between who you are today and WHO YOU WANT TO BE.

Linda Vazin, Breath Body Connection Founder

Articles by

Breath Body Connection

Alternative ways to CLOSE THE GAP between who you are today and WHO YOU WANT TO BE tomorrow.


Guided Breathwork Meditations

Use the power of your breath to hack into your brain, and say goodbye to depression and anxiety...Ā create the person you want to be.Ā  Ā 

Box Breathing - Count of 5 Nov 16, 2022

The technique is also known as “resetting your breath” or four-square breathing. 

Box breathing is highly effective to reduce stress and get the body out of fight or flight...

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Moving Forward by Looking Back: How to Free yourself from Childhood Trauma and Live in the Present Oct 11, 2022


Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.” - Dr. Peter A. Levine, PHD

Last week I visited my high school girlfriend in...

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Yoga for Anxiety Sep 19, 2022

I want to share a few tips on how to manage anxiety so you can start feeling more peaceful inside be able to enjoy your life.  

Here are the common symptoms of anxiety:

Feeling nervous,...

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One Step at a TIME... May 03, 2022

If you get upset… do you judge yourself for being upset and angry?

If you feel sad, do feel bad about yourself for not being 100% happy?

Can you hold space for your feelings, or do you want...

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Overwhelming Emotions & How to Negotiate with them Apr 14, 2022
When emotions take over, it’s like a foreign entity has taken over your mind, body and soul. The emotion that gets me over and over again is loneliness. When I was 11, I was sent away to...
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