Articles by

Breath Body Connection

Alternative ways to CLOSE THE GAP between who you are today and WHO YOU WANT TO BE tomorrow.

Linda Vazin, Breath Body Connection Founder

Articles by

Breath Body Connection

Alternative ways to CLOSE THE GAP between who you are today and WHO YOU WANT TO BE tomorrow.



Where in your life are you not accepting things, people, situations exactly as they are?


5 VIT to remember while stretching physical Apr 01, 2019

Here are 5 Very Important Things to remember while stretching.  

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Shoulder strengthening physical Mar 24, 2019

Now that you know how to open muscle locks around your neck & shoulders and THEN stretch out the area; it's time to strengthen.  Here are 3 on-the-go strengthening exercises you...

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smashing physical Mar 17, 2019

I like to break up tight muscles before I stretch or strengthen them; especially if there is pain or misalignment.  Here is a quick video showing one way to break up tight muscles around...

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neck pain - week 2 physical Mar 11, 2019


Last week we opened the front of our chest to release the neck.  Here are two more stretches that help loosen up the muscles around the shoulders and arms to allow flexibility...

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emotional self emotional Mar 04, 2019

From birth to 5 or 6 years of age, we don’t know how to process our emotions; we just feel them. Most of our parents didn’t know how to deal with us when we were sad, angry,...

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